OILU Symbolic
This space (under construction), is dedicated to the presentation of the new OILU Numbering system.
The main characteristics , as well as related applications will be presented in different pages.
For tests, users can download examples of OILU markers as well as related programs.
Any proposal is welcome for the enrichment of this space.

A New Decimal Numbering System (Basics)
Our primary contribution (for which a patent was lattely filled), consists on using four basic patterns for the generation of a new decimal numbering system, called OILU System. The latter is composed of ten symbols, which are generated as follows: the first four symbols {O, I, L and U}, are respectively affected to digits zero, one, two and three. The six lacking symbols are then produced by successive rotations (quarter counterclockwise) of the two symbols L and U.

Square OILU Markers Generation and Identification
OILU symbolic allows producing visual makers composed of a group of superimposed OILU symbols. The marker characteristics (embedded OILU number, size, color and symbol’s lines thickness) are fixed according to the application requirements (Robustness to motion blur, distance from camera, etc.). For a better visibility and real time performances, symbols lines are designed according to the surrounding space characteristics: black lines on white background or white lines on black background.

For a first approach, we exploit the OILU markers topology which is similar to Fermat’s spirals to perform robust identification based on distance map and level set methods.

OILU Markers Database Download
Free downloadable Synthetic OILU Data base – containing over than 20.000 markers

Free downloadable markers generator – code in Matlab
Free downloadable Real Data base